Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Privacy? What Privacy?

Based on the discussion that we had today on privacy with social networks. I think it's amazing how technology now makes it's easy for other people to do research on people whenever they want. It's kind of both good and bad in a sense. If you think about it, it's good because for like employers for example it would be good to know who it is that they are hiring. Or for someone who started dating someone from a dating site. If I was them I would do research on that person. Find out what kind of person they are, what they do, are they who they say they are. Things like that to keep yourself safe. But on the other hand it does kind of suck to know that random people can go through your private privacy and learn and this stuff about you and feel like they know who you are already, just based on the information they found on you. For all they know someone could have taken your picture and made a profile pretending to be you and began posting ridiculous statuses and making Photoshop images of you doing things that you would never do. Personally I have two Facebook accounts one for family and friends and the other is for my fandoms and talking to other people with the same interest. At least this way when I go in for a job interview, the employer won't see the other profile and instead just see the profile with family and friends. There are a number of positives and negatives to the internet with privacy so there's no real answer I can give on it being a problem or not, just kind of stuck in the middle.


  1. This brings up the whole "catfish" aspect of the internet and its ability to easily manipulate people without their knowledge. Great post, super interesting.

    1. Thank you and hope you don't mind I'm going to steal your idea on the "Catfish" show. I've seen it it's really good lol
